Fear not!

It is so easy to be filled with fear when we see how troubled the world around us. War, rumors of wars, corruption, terrorism, surveillance, control, mass death of animals, poisoned food, and especially weather and climate in total disarray. But fear not! God is in control.

  • This is so easy for you to say, sitting safely in your home in secure Norway. Words are cheap as long as they are only words, and you do not need to add long-suffering experience behind them. I expect that many think this way about the words that begins this Sunday greeting. Words that are even more meaningless for people who do not believe in any God.

But the truth is that if you have lived for a time with God, so chances are that He has shown who He is. And that He is the one that casts out fear, because He is the one who created love. «There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4.18 King James version)». God’s Word is clear, and although this verse may not feel 100% relevant to what we are talking about here, it really is. The problems of this world will not last forever, only eternity lasts forever. Have Faith! That is all you need.

Fear not!
One phrase Jesus always used when He was here on earth was «Fear not». If you search these exact words in the New Testament, NT, you will find that they are mentioned ten times, and most relevant for what we tank about here is Luke 8:50. But equally important is the second phrase in the same verse, «Have Faith!». Believe in Him who is in control, believe in Him who is Love. Believe Him for what it says in Psalm 91 is correct, and that the hymn is actually written to you. You have nothing to fear. Just have faith! The only people who have something to fear are those who have created this situation. Those who have led the world into this total mess. They definitely need to search their souls, to see what they have spent their lives on, before it’s too late.

The rest of is the message clear! Fear not!

Have a great Sunday!”



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